Software inventory management software

Maintaining up-to-date asset inventory data is critical to effective asset management. When managing inventory across multiple locations, identifying and optimizing resources becomes exponentially more complicated.

A high-quality software inventory management solution, like PDQ, scans your systems to collect relevant asset data for instant insights that help you make informed decisions.

man in plaid shirt working on computer
man in plaid shirt working on computer

Must-have software inventory management features

To optimize your software assets and ensure compliance, it’s crucial to find a software asset management (SAM) or software inventory management solution like PDQ with robust features that balance convenience and customizability.

Asset discovery

Software inventory planning requires the documentation and tracking of all software assets deployed across the organization, including installed software applications, versions, and associated hardware. With PDQ, software discovery has never been easier.

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PDQ UI showing machines based on Dynamic Collection featurePDQ UI showing machines based on Dynamic Collection feature

Automatic scanning

Perform asset discovery to gather configuration data from 50 or 5,000 machines.

Custom scan profiles

In Inventory, collect the information you need without running a time-consuming full scan. That leaves more time in your schedule to stream the latest Marvel movie (for work-related reasons, of course).

Collections & Groups

Organize machines based on filter criteria for more control.

Software license compliance

License agreement compliance ensures legal and ethical business practices while optimizing software investments, minimizing cybersecurity risks, and supporting strong vendor relationships. The PDQ suite makes it easy to maintain and prove compliance with your licensing agreement.

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Report UI in PDQ Inventory with chart iconReport UI in PDQ Inventory with chart icon

Up-to-date records

Keep an accurate and current database of your software and hardware assets.


See how many computers have a certain software application installed, which version of an app is on each machine, and more.

Software removal

Remove any unused software product from machines quickly and easily. Purge the scourge when Alex in accounting adds the desktop TikTok app for the fifth time.

Patch management

Patch management focuses on keeping software up to date, which is a critical component of IT software inventory management. PDQ makes the process simple, secure, and pretty damn quick.

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Scheduling UI i PDQ Deploy with Timer iconScheduling UI i PDQ Deploy with Timer icon

Scheduled deployments

Use set-it-and-forget-it deployments to schedule routine updates without coming into the office during off-hours.

Automatic retry

Initiate scans or deployments when an offline machine comes back online. No need to wait around for your brief window of opportunity. Every moment is an opportunity. At least that’s what my life coach (AKA bartender) tells me.


You need a unique solution for your unique fleet. The PDQ suite gives you the flexibility to fit software inventory management seamlessly into your existing workflows.

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PDQ Deploy UI showing prebuilt tools feature with decorative custom iconPDQ Deploy UI showing prebuilt tools feature with decorative custom icon

Prebuilt tools

With PDQ Deploy, use prebuilt tools to perform reboots, Wake-on-LAN, and other common tasks with just a few clicks.

Custom tools

In PDQ Inventory, develop the right tools for the job so that you’re only limited by your imagination, ambition, and current blood caffeine concentration.

Active Directory sync

Automatically update your asset inventory in PDQ Inventory by adding or deleting computers based on Active Directory.

What are the benefits of software inventory management?

Effective IT software inventory management with PDQ can offer
financial, legal, and security advantages.

Good software license management supports license optimization, which can reap major benefits for your bottom line. A software inventory management tool, like the PDQ suite, can also make license compliance easier, reducing the risk of purchasing too few licenses and incurring hefty penalties. Finally, monitoring your software gives you an opportunity to delete solutions that you no longer use. Not only can this enhance computer performance, but it can also reduce security risks associated with unused apps.

  • Make informed decisions 

  • Cut costs by reducing excess asset inventory 

  • Simplify budgeting  

  • Reduce legal compliance risks 

  • Support digital transformation and business growth  

  • Enhance your cybersecurity posture 

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Deploy and Inventory Management illustrationDeploy and Inventory Management illustration

Software inventory management for remote devices

Use our agent-based SAM tool, PDQ Connect, to keep your fleet up to date and secure via the cloud. View real-time data, deploy software using custom or prebuilt packages, and automate IT tasks — from one platform to any internet-connected Windows device.

Learn more
PDQ Connect homepagePDQ Connect homepage

PDQ vs. leading software inventory management competitors 

PDQ Deploy & Inventory’s software inventory management

PDQ Connect's software inventory management

Leading competitors

Agentless local software inventory management




Agent-based remote software inventory management




Patch management integration




Library of ready-to-deploy packages




Easy to use




Extensive knowledge base




Includes expert support from former sysadmins




Software inventory management FAQs

What is software inventory management?

Also known as software asset management (SAM), software inventory management oversees the full asset lifecycle from acquisition through disposal. The end-to-end process includes procurement, deployment, utilization, updating, maintenance, and retirement of software. Depending on your organizational needs, it may also entail consolidating software licenses or changing software licensing models.  

In short, IT software inventory management is a critical strategy to help businesses align their goals with their IT infrastructures, software, and other resources. The PDQ product suite supports the process.

What other functions are related to software inventory management?

Software inventory management is a component of IT asset management that’s closely related to several parallel functions:

  • Computer inventory management

  • Hardware inventory management

  • Total network inventory management

  • IT project management

  • Service desk management 

  • Mobile app management 

  • Software license management 

  • Software metering 

  • Knowledge management 

  • Configuration management 

  • Software management 

  • Vendor management 

  • Risk management 

Think of these all as one big, happy IT asset management family. And in this strange and unsettling metaphor, the PDQ product suite acts as a household manager, keeping everyone happy and organized.

How do you incorporate software inventory management?

Rolling out a software inventory management program may take a little time and effort upfront, but it should ultimately reduce your workload and simplify the management of your IT resources. To incorporate a software inventory management system, follow these steps:    

  • Perform a software audit of your current tools for accurate inventory counts  

  • Develop an inventory of software licenses   

  • Establish software procurement, purchase order, and work order management guidelines    

  • Analyze software usage   

  • Implement software asset tracking procedures to monitor the inventory level  

  • Incorporate IT asset management software or inventory control software tools 

As a critical component of a comprehensive software asset management system, PDQ makes it easy to deploy the right patches to the right machines, which is one of the cornerstones of maintaining a strong security posture. Microsoft Windows releases updates on the second Tuesday of the month (Patch Tuesday), so you can act quickly if you know what software is already on your computers.

If you don’t have the bandwidth to oversee your software asset management systems in house, a SAM managed service can help. 

What are software inventory management best practices?

Following software inventory best practices can help you get the most out of your software inventory management program. Consider incorporating these methods:  

  • Put a team or individual in charge of software asset management  

  • Forge strong relationships with software vendors  

  • Conduct audits of both intangible assets and fixed assets 

  • Categorize assets  

  • Recycle software licenses as needed  

  • Discontinue unused licenses 

  • Select KPIs to measure success  

Proper software inventory management goes hand-in-hand with hardware asset management and effective service management. The best enterprise SAM program is part of a much more robust information technology management program, which the PDQ product suite can help support.  

How do you choose the best inventory management software?

Picking the best inventory management software for you requires assessing these factors:  

  • Functionality 

  • Cost 

  • Ease of use 

  • Compatible devices 

  • Available support 

Once you’ve narrowed it down to a few top contenders, read reviews to get an idea of the potential pros and cons of the software asset manager. Schedule a demo to see the best IT asset inventory software for yourself before deciding. (If you can’t tell from context clues, we think that’s PDQ.) Then, select the best option for your business to help you manage inventory with ease.  

How do you manage software inventory for remote devices?

An agent-based software asset management tool is the quickest and easiest way to track inventory on remote devices. PDQ Connect uses an agent-based approach, allowing you real-time visibility into your environment and the ability to update any Windows device with the agent installed whenever it's online.  

Remote inventory tracking is also possible using an agentless, on-prem SAM solution, like PDQ Deploy & Inventory. However, users would need to connect to your VPN, so your information is unlikely to be up-to-the-minute.

Sound too good to be true? Try it for yourself.