Recent blog posts

AI and cybersecurity: From deepfakes to data poisoning


AI creates seemingly infinite opportunities — and at least as many risks. Learn about the implications of AI on cybersecurity, from deepfakes to data poisoning.

June 28, 2024

Sysadmins vs. AI: 5 ways humans beat the bots


Some say AI is coming for our jobs, but we beg to differ. Here are 5 ways that human sysadmins triumph over the bots.

June 27, 2024

7 patch management best practices


Effective patch management supports security and increases uptime. Learn more about patch management best practices to optimize your program.

June 18, 2024

Illustration of block with Powershell logo

How to use PowerShell switch statements


Tired of writing if statements with way too many conditions? Switch statements are the answer. Learn how switch statements can beautify your PowerShell scripts.

July 3, 2024